‘stink pig’. a memoir

“stink pig” A memoir by
fraser james

Hello, my name is Fraser James. 

I must have been crazy to join a police force that had no guns, no badges and no sirens on their patrol cars.

In my first 3 months I saw so much blood from violent confrontations I became completely desensitised to it.

I would like to invite you to read some of my experiences in the New Zealand Police Force back in the crazy 70’s.

In the largest Polynesian city in the world a window of opportunity opened wide. 

The Auckland Central Police would pair two young cops together in patrol cars on the frontline. 

After a couple of years the hierarchy slammed that window shut. 

Thankfully the collateral damage was largely unknown.

But for us young cops, did we have fun in that brief period of time?

Every cop all over the world has stories to tell. 

These are some of mine from the bottom of the Pacific rim, 'Aotearoa'. 

The land of the long white cloud, NEW ZEALAND.

I hope you enjoy them.

“thank goodness.”

“Just hope I can knock the next 7 (memoirs) over.”

“all the best to anyone attempting to write a book.”

“With Google I found it so much easier to put my life stories together. With Amazon I self published my memoir. (unbelievable) With Squarespace I launched my own website. (even more unbelievable) Good luck.”

About Fraser

Fraser James grew up in Auckland, New Zealand, the largest Polynesian city in the world. Born to Samoan and English parents who divorced when he was a baby, he spent his growing years revolving from one parent to the other by choice. Living on the North Shore of Auckland with his English father, then moving to Ponsonby on the South side with his Samoan mother. Having changed schools over thirteen times before high school is a reflection of his life. Always changing.

Fraser loves telling stories of his life experiences and listening to other people's true life stories. He is writing a series of his life's experiences. This is his first Memoir.

Fraser moved to Australia in 1981 where he now calls Perth, WA, home and is married with one daughter.